Which session library should I use with CodeIgniter?


New Member
I have recently started using CI and with it CI sessions, but I have noticed that one thing in particular is much more time consuming to do with CI sessions than with the base PHP sessions: Arrays. I have an array of data that persists regardless of login/logout called \[code\]$_SESSION['stats']\[/code\], I then store data in that array in the form:\[code\]$_SESSION['stats']['last_page'] = $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'];\[/code\]. And when a user logs out, it saves the stats array in a variable, clears the session, and then loads it back into the new session.The problem is that in order to edit the last_page key, instead of the one line above, I have to use this code:\[code\]$stats = $this->CI->session->userdata('stats');$stats['last_page'] = $_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"];$this->CI->session->set_userdata('stats', $stats);\[/code\]This is one of a number of annoyances I find in CI sessions, which cause me to feel dissatisfied with it as my session handler. So my question is: Which session system should I use with CodeIgniter?... is there some reason for using CI sessions? Is there a CI library that you would suggest? Why not just use PHP sessions?Thanks,Lemiant