which pattern should i adopt to comment my php code?


New Member
i just finished Coding my PHP application now the coding has become somewhat Huge and and the comments i am using is looking Ugly and Ineffective, as every single line of code i have commented with // , this is my first coding and i am totally unaware of the methodology to adopt to make my comments look nicer and cleaner for the future reference to me or anyone. i would appreciate if someone suggest me the pattern with example..Here is the function i wrote with the ugly comments i used. which pattern would you use for commenting the code?\[code\]//function to check if the uploaded Image is valid function valid_image($image, $target, $url, $width, $height = 0) { //Check if the uploaded image is of type jpeg //if not then pop up a warning message and return false and redirect back if( $image["type"] !== "image/jpeg") { alert('File must be of type image/jpeg'); redirect_url($url); return false; } //Check the file Dimension of the Uploaded Image if it matches with the defined Value //Get the Dimensions of the image list($image_width, $image_height) = getimagesize($image['tmp_name']); //If the Parameter Height is empty then just check the image width and ignore the height rule //Print the appropriate message and return false and redirect back if( $height == '0') { if( $image_width !== $width) { alert("Incorrect File Dimension for " . $image['name'] . " Please make sure it is $width in width"); redirect_url($url); return false; } } //If the function has got all the parameter then check both the defined height and width //Print the appropriate message and return false and redirect back else if($image_width !== $width || $image_height !== $height) { alert("Incorrect File Dimension for " . $image['name'] . " Please make sure it is $width X $height "); redirect_url($url); return false; } return true; }\[/code\]Thanks in Advance.