Which Outfit do you like best?


New Member
I am considering purchasing one of the two looks pictured in the links below. With the first outfit I have a gold clutch bag I could carry with the dress pictured and I would probably buy the stilettos pictured. With the second outfit I have a drop rhinestone necklace that I woudl wear with it and also I have menswear style pumps I woudl wear. Thanks for your opinions!<br />
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Outfit 1 http//www.fredericks.com/product.asp?catalog%5Fname=Holiday2002&category%5Fname=Clothing%2DCasual+Dresses&product%5Fid=20979<br />
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Outfit 2 http//www.fredericks.com/product.asp?catalog%5Fname=Holiday2002&category%5Fname=Clothing%2DCasual+Dresses&product%5Fid=20828





New Member
I like the second one's design, but it seems to look a bit slutty.
It's too short, and the front is too open. Haha.
But if you were planning to make some adjustments like leggings under or something, then I guess it'll be better.

But the first one is really pretty also.
And Gold clutch bag would look really cute.
So I'll go with the first one
