Which one would you rather get?


New Member
I'm having a hard time getting a cellphone but don't know which. These are some phones I really like :


- Sony Ericsson Xperia X1

- HTC Touch Pro

- Samsung Eternity

- LG Dare

- Blackberry Storm

- iPhone 3G

Or If you know any good touch screen phones. & Why would you choose that phone & Don't worry about music I got a iPod touch. Also don't worry about the prices or the carriers I have to choose.

Thank You;
It really depends on the features you want..... thinking on the blackberry storm I like the new feature of a full touch keyboard and it is similiar to the iphone.....which I would like but has no MMS capabilities... so they would be the two I would choose from.
I have this problem as well, there is also Samsung Omnia... which I think is the best with it's features/price ratio.
I owned a white 16GB iphone & sold it. After I sold it I picked up my LG dare. I am very happy with the performance & such. It has a flash camera + video (iphone does not) as well as all the GPS tracking, email integration, colors, etc.

I havn't tried many of the others but figured I would tell my my LG dar experiance. Sleek phone & was worth the cash (half the price of most of the above listed phones)