Which Hack / Mod Is This? See Link.

Dakota Joe

New Member
Hi Everyone.
I thought this site was no longer around because of an email i received sometime ago but i'm glad to see that it's still around.

Anyway. What Hack or Mod is this on this vBulletin Forum: Red Royal PHPLD Template - DevHunters.com l Webmaster Forum - Web Advertising - Web Design - SEO Forums

The Mod that is Displaying the 6 Webmaster Related Sponsors Banners up top right above the Post Reply Button?

I tried searching the soruce but i couldnt find it.

If that Mod or Hack is listed on this site could you please reply with a link to it for me?

Thanks in Advanced:
Whats the deal?
Are people just being lazy these days?

If your an experienced person and don't know at least say so.

Hell,... I'm not experienced but I don't know which mod it is and I'm saying so.
Actually I'm using 3.6.8 but plan on upgrading to the lastest 3.7.2 as soon as GYSN Releases a Nulled Version of it.

I like how you did that and appreciate your help very much but on their site the sponsored images rotate and it give you the link to the sponsored site under the image. It looks like yours just displays text in the box. I don't see any code to display an image or a link.

I was thinking that this was a mod or hack that they've installed in order to do this.

In your code how do you change it in order to have at least a link under the image of just text as yours displays?

Heck i figured with the experienced people on this site that someone would have know what this was but now i'm guessing not.

Are yoiu really that thick?
I was gonna help you but as all you seem to have done is insult me I guess the only thing your gonna get from me now is an infraction, and your name added to my ignore list!
What part of my post was an Insult Towards You?

I even told you that I Appreciated Your Help Very Much.

I can't see anything in my post that would be cause for you to give me an Infraction.
Whats the deal?
Are people just being lazy these days?

If your an experienced person and don't know at least say so.

Hell,... I'm not experienced but I don't know which mod it is and I'm saying so.

Heck i figured with the experienced people on this site that someone would have know what this was but now i'm guessing not.


I would say it is the two quotes above that got you no where. It takes time to answer everyones questions, requests, or help. There is also something called a normal life which most of us have and we work normal jobs to survive....so if something doesn't get answered right away like within 48 hours just a little nudge, bump what ever you wish to call it will sufice....but to be as arrogant as you were I doubt you will ever get anything.