Which element caused postback?



I am currently creating a .ascx file to make my own user control which will display images and works something like a dropdownlist. When user select the image, the selected image will be selected just like the dropdownlist. I will create the <input type="image"> for each image file in the specified folder. Which makes my user control dynamic.

I have 2 labels called: lblAll and lblDisplay. lblDisplay: Shows the selected image and lblAll: shows the rest of the remaining images. The <input type="image"> will be placed inside the lblAll and lblDisplay. I have used the <div> tags to expand and collaspe the labels accordingly.

The reason i decided to use <input type="image"> is because i would like a postback so that i can update the newly selected image.

My problem: How am i supposed to know which <input type="image"> was clicked/selected during postback? ThanksWell i'm not sure of that, but try to use QueryString, and Response.Redirect.
You can also use <asp:image> take, it will give you more functionality to your code, if this didnt help you, please post your code, it maybe helpfull for us.