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I have got a table which will display the result of the query: car make, model, year, price, stock number and the car's thumbnail image. It may be returned several pages by the query. There are several controls which allows to display such information: DataGrid, DataList, DataRepeater.<BR>Which is the best to use from the point of speed? Or just to display output in a table just by using HTML tags?<BR><BR>Depends what you want to do with it. Do you want to allow sorting the results? Do you want to allow paging the results? If you answered "Yes" to either of these questions, use a DataGrid. If you answered "No" you can use a DataList. hthThanks,<BR><BR>I just want my result to be paged. Anyway is there significunt difference in the speed between those two? If the DataList much faster, may it is worth to page it by adding some code?