Where's my application???



I developed an application in VS2005 b2 and ran a build on it with success. The application builds w/out error however, I can't locate the application via url.

I noticed that the application website is not listed under the default website root. Anyone know why?

Background: I currently have Plone running on the same box which is using port 80. Due to this the IIS default website is disabled.

I tried to create a second website with port 82 pointing to the directory where my application resides to no avail.

Please help.


MustangWhat I also noticed is that when I created the project/app, VS2005 did not create the virtual directory as VS2003 did. Probably why I can't locate or connect to the application.VS.NET 2005 uses its own internal webserver if you run the application (F5).
This way users without IIS (for example on Windows XP Home computers) can also develop .NET webapplications on their local computer.

I also prefer using IIS, so what I do is creating a virtual directory in IIS myself (f.e. <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://localhost/myproject">http://localhost/myproject</a><!-- m -->) and browse to the directory on my computer where the files of my new project are, and it works fine.

If you can't find your files, open VS.NET 2005, go to Tools > Options, and look for "Project and Solutions" in the treeview. There you should see "Visual Studio projects location ... . I hope this helps.Tripa,

Thank you for your thoughts. I eventually figured it out (should have updated the posted, sorry).

What I was also wondering though is how can you delete a project from the project list in VS2005 that is no longer in use or development?

This was something that always bothered me in VS2003 and now I see I am faced with the same problem in VS2005.

Any thoughts?

Thank you again for your time.

