Where to start my final year Java project? [closed]


New Member
First of all I would like to thank you for taking your time to read my post.Let me explain what I am asking here in more detail.For my final year project for uni, I will be implementing an MS Project-like program for a company that will use it to plan flight days. They want to be able to create a flightday plan that shows what planes will attend, the timeslots for each plane, information about planes and pilots etc. The program should, just like MS Project, allow them to drag and drop objects from a menu bar at the top and rearrange them on a timeline to build up the plan for the day. There will be a "current time" line that will start at the left of the screen in the morning (usually 8am) and move to the right as the day progresses (a bit like the timeline on a sound editing program). When the line reaches 12 o'clock noon, the whole background should start moving to the left and the line stays in the middle. Ideally the program should also support different zoom levels for easy visualisation.I am in early stages of the project and haven't actually started coding yet because it is such a massive project that I am not sure where to start from.The program should allow me to save a project and reopen it whenever and to achieve this I was thinking of somehow saving the objects' details to an XML file. A bit like the following:\[code\]<control controlID="6" controlTypeID="com.project.my::FormattingToolbar" x="968" y="502" w="248" h="-1" measuredW="270" measuredH="29" zOrder="2" locked="false" isInGroup="-1"/>\[/code\] NOTE: The above is some sample code I found onlineI know it is hard for you guys to provide me with a lot of detail here but a "push" in the right direction with some sample source code/projects will be extremely helpful.Find attached a sample GUI I put together to show the guys at the company that will be using it. I hope it helps understand what I am trying to achieve here.I couldn't attach the image due to my low reputation so I have uploaded it to here:
Thank you one more time for reading this.Fil