New Member
The Datacash payment provider uses a configuration file called \[code\]DataCashConf.xml\[/code\] and I am having trouble finding the documentation for this.The file looks like this (I have added comments myself)\[code\]<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?> <Configuration> <!-- Indicates the server to point at (test or live) --> <host></host> <!-- Transaction timeout value in milliseconds --> <timeout>500</timeout> <!-- Log file location --> <logfile>c:\Program Files\DataCash\DataCash_log.txt</logfile> <!-- ??? --> <logging>5</logging></Configuration>\[/code\]I want to turn off logging (I'm going to log everything myself, but 123-Reg won't let me log to their servers C drive), and am assuming I change the value for logging from 5 to something else to do this, but I don't know what to and I can't find any documentation on this files format.Can anybody help?