Where Is Google Headed?


New Member
As Google moves toward its anticipated IPO, there are limits to the company's future success. According to a new Forrester Research, Inc. report, Google's dominance will be diluted as Microsoft and Yahoo! gain strength in the search industry. More: http://www.teiubesc-power.com/news/index.php European Webmasters CommunityAnd by strength I would assume they are referring to relevant search results?I would of been with you until Yahoo/MSN decided on this PPC and PFI. Not many people are happy about this. Why will Google still stay on top?...because its free and relevant (well getting there ). Why will Yahoo and MSN not, because they mix relevant results with ppc results in their listings. Many sites out there will not do a ppc campaign so where will they be in those engines? Yes, Yahoo/MSN says they have a spider for free listings, but I am almost positive that all the top listings will be ppc/pfi listings and the rest will just be 'fill'. Just like MSN had before with Looksmart and Inktomi.