where i can get list of seo forums


New Member
can anyone tell me list of famous seo forums. Your in the 'BEST' SEO forum now, no need for others :p As i know V7n and digitalpoint are the best SEO forums on the net and you can learn and use of them for any other purpose you want too. Quality is more important than quantity. Type in seo forum on Google and check out the first few results.
This is probably one of the most active ones I've been on though... You can certainly Google it. Ok here : http://lmgtfy.com/?q=seo+forums

Try to stick to the larger forums as they're more up to date on the information flow.
I myself prefer V7n, Dp, Wickedfire, Netbuilders.
There are plenty of good forums out there but i doubt you'd be able to dedicate enough time to each of them. Another forum that is a good one to join but yet still new is community.seoworkers.com

Some of the V7N mentors and moderators are members on there. Hi,

try to search in search engine you will get better results. I have been using v7n, digitalpoint, webcosmo, webmaster forums, Highranking forum for a while. I feel those are the best forum to learn and discuss about seo Digital Point and SP and v7n etc are best Forums sites and search much more sites on search engine....