Where have my avatar and signature gone?


New Member
Hello one and all!

A funny thing happened to me today on the way to post a new thread today on my forum. I typed up a post, hit preview and noticed that I no longer have my custom avatar or signature.

I then went into my user cp and admin panel and noticed that both were still shown, went to the server and yes they were still there. So I deleted my self added my self again as well as the customs pics, and again I saw them in mu panel, BUT when I go to post there is no option to show avatar or signature below, in Misc Options.

I have reset any permissions that I might have altered in attachments, and checked all the settings that would be common sense to me of moderate experience, and still nothing?

So the question of the day is where did they go and how do I get them back?

Can some one please direct me threw my newest challenge?

