Where do Visual Studio Intellisense comments come from?


New Member
Visual Studio projects have an option to create XML Documentation Files.I understand that XML Documentation Files can be useful if you'd like to run a program like Sandcastle or NDoc or whatever to create MSDN-Style API docs. Fine. I don't care about that.According to this link: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/s0we08bk.aspx\[quote\] When you add the /doc switch to the Visual Basic, C#, or C++ compiler command line, an .xml file is generated that serves as the basis for IntelliSense documentation. \[/quote\]So that makes me think that Intellisense comments can appear from these generated XML files.But I created a little Test app where I call a method in a totally different project and the XML comment appears in my Intellisense