Where do I start?


New Member
Hello. <BR><BR>I've been an ASP programmer for a couple years now. I use VBScript and JavaScript exclusively. I have had no practical experience with Visual Basic, although I can read and understand most Visual Basic code that I see thanks to prior exposure to VBA via MS Excel. Knowing this, what do you think is the smartest route for me to take to learn .NET? Should I first take a Visual Basic course to get a foundation? Should I wait for the swarm of .NET books to come out and start there? Other suggestions/opinions?<BR><BR>Thanks for any help.<BR><BR>TomTaking any time to learn VB6 will not be that helpful, since VB.NET has a lot of changes from VB6. I'd recommend that you download the free Beta2 (http://www.asp.net/) and start playing around. There are a ton of examples on-line, and you can download complete ASP.NET applications at http://www.ibuyspy.com/ to help with your learning. (Also, be sure to check out the ASP.NET Article Index at http://www.4guysfromrolla.com/webtech/LearnMore/aspplus.asp).<BR><BR>When the slew of books come out, might I recommend that you pick up a copy of my title? :-)<BR><BR>ASP.NET: Tips, Turtorials, and Code<BR>http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/0672321432/4guysfromrollaco<BR><BR>Happy Programming!