Where can Null Byte Injection affect my PHP web app in a realistic setting?


New Member
I've just read the PHP section onhttp://projects.webappsec.org/Null-Byte-Injection.The example it provides is pretty dumb - I mean, why would you ever want to include a file based on an outside param without checking it first (for directory traversal attacks, for one)?So, if following standard PHP security practices, such as
  • encoding user entered data on display
  • validating user entered stuff that works with files
  • preventing CRSF
  • not running uploads via something that executes PHP
  • etc
Can anyone provide a real life example or a common mistake of PHP developers where this problem can occur?ThanksUpateI'm trying to make something break, and this what I have tried.\[code\]// $filename is from public$filename = "some_file\0_that_is_bad.jpg";$ext = pathinfo($filename, PATHINFO_EXTENSION);var_dump($filename, $ext);\[/code\]Which outputs\[code\]string(26) "some_file?_that_is_bad.jpg"string(3) "jpg"\[/code\]