I'm working on a site for a client, and I've never used Joomla before. I keep seeing elements in the HTML, that I can't find in the code. It's Joomla with Virtuemart and the bt_bazaar template.For example, at the top of the page there's a div with the class \[code\]bt_toolbar\[/code\]. When I search the entire public root of the site, it only turns up a match inside CSS, and this line from \[code\]bt_bazaar/helpers/bt_helpers.php\[/code\]:\[code\]$this->bt_toolbar = '<jdoc:include type="modules" name="toolbar" style="BTxhtml" />';\[/code\]Where is this toolbar? How do I find other module types in the code? Where is the class name bt_toolbar set?Thanks,Frankie