Hey everyonejust wondering your views on when the next page rank/ dance will beI have it down that their should be one mid october...When was the last one?ThanksBlogution wrote:We are not google that knows when is the exact date. All we need to do is keep on promoting our site.It is not the Fixed schedule for PR updation. what I know it is duration of 3-4 months.I hope they do it soon I've had my site for 5 months and I'm trying to get it to 1 from 0 and some prediction sites say that I have 142 backlinks.wetubeWell...as i know...last proper update held in april and recently it was expected to happen in july last week to august but.....only little PR..fluctuation happens to few websites during August and it does not looks a proper update...and it is not confirm to say as this update still continues or ended.......Well we can expect to have a proper PR updation in next coming November.......................Over 5 months since the last one, PR does not matter everyone!agreed on the PR not mattering Google will decide when the next PR update will be.We will have to waitHow do you know if google changed pr if your pr is always the same? Is there a way to check to see if google has been there?pr checker, http://www.seochat.com/seo-tools/future-pagerank/Hey there,Here is a great link that lets you know about when page rank updates:http://www.seocompany.ca/pagerank/page- ... -list.htmlThe future pagerank checker does not seem all that great to me. From the messages I have read, it is not all that accurate.I tried using it myself the other day and it said I had insufficient backlinks. Thats funny cause my client's website has over 1,500 of them.I disagree with those that say PR does not matter. It is a major factor in the search engines results, BUT it is not the only factor. There are many other things you can do to increase your position in the SERPs. Focus on those issues and PR will come.Sincerely,Travis [email protected] the update of your pagerank, try this...http://livepr.raketforskning.com/?u=htt ... ver.com%2FPR update was, but not so good for everyone.Most of the things they say is a factor but what matters is their weight in SE's so we are not saying that PR is not a factor but focusing to the one that may contribute and may bring up to SERP's is the best thing to do.