yeah,when this happens.. how long does it last..1 month.. 2 months?more?A friend of mine recently went from #2 to the 2nd from the last on the pages that Google would actually return (about 80 pages).After about 3 weeks, he returned to #2.I don't know if there was just a snafu, or if he got spanked and put in time out for a little while.Hopefully yours returns soon too.I saw this with some of my sites... where my ranking dropped a couple of pages and went up again.I haven't experience a complete removal of the serpsLast week my site was in the 6th place but after 4 days it is nowhere in the top10 pages.basically the internet is finally catching up with google..and google doesn't really care about our sites as much as we do..thats the problem when you have a billion clients.antonyx wrote: