What's wrong in my PHP code - Warning: simplexml_load_string()?


New Member
Here is my PHP code:\[code\]<?php$code = $_POST['code'];$myXml = urldecode($_POST["myxml"]);$string = <<<XML<?xml version='1.0'?> $myXmlXML;$xml = simplexml_load_string($string);$xml->asXML($code."-xmlFile.xml"); $result = "myXML=".rawurlencode($myXml); $result .= "&l=end"; // this line is only to fix some AS3 bug, shouldn't be touched. echo $result; ?>\[/code\]I am getting this error:\[code\]Warning: simplexml_load_string() [function.simplexml-load-string]: Entity: line 2: parser error : Start tag expected, '<' not found in /home/rayr1878/public_html/app/saveXML18.php on line 9Warning: simplexml_load_string() [function.simplexml-load-string]: in /home/rayr1878/public_html/app/saveXML18.php on line 9Warning: simplexml_load_string() [function.simplexml-load-string]: ^ in /home/rayr1878/public_html/app/saveXML18.php on line 9Fatal error: Call to a member function asXML() on a non-object in /home/rayr1878/public_html/app/saveXML18.php on line 11\[/code\]What's wrong? This script was working fine. But When I transfer my site to another server. I getting this error. Please fix it. And Many thanks in Advance.