New Member
I hate scammers just like everyone else, I personally have never been scammed I know people who have been but I never set myself up to get owned by one which brings me to this
I don't get why people still use Paypal to collect money for domain names it really makes no sense, it's so easy to get ripped off, I could understand using Paypal for like a 5 dollar logo or something, but when people are selling 500 dollar domain names and collecting money through Paypal, they are just setting themselves up to get owned, then they come and cry in the forums and try to start some E-war with the scammer which is understandable it helps protect other people from getting scammed but in the end it's still their own fault for not protecting themselves.
I dunno it doesn't make much sense, if you want insurance that the money will be yours why not use an escrow service or something that prevents chargebacks???? and make it safe for both people
I don't get why people still use Paypal to collect money for domain names it really makes no sense, it's so easy to get ripped off, I could understand using Paypal for like a 5 dollar logo or something, but when people are selling 500 dollar domain names and collecting money through Paypal, they are just setting themselves up to get owned, then they come and cry in the forums and try to start some E-war with the scammer which is understandable it helps protect other people from getting scammed but in the end it's still their own fault for not protecting themselves.
I dunno it doesn't make much sense, if you want insurance that the money will be yours why not use an escrow service or something that prevents chargebacks???? and make it safe for both people