What's up with this board?

Is it me, or is it hard to get an answer on here? I used to post all the time on the other boards and would typically get answers in a few hours, worst case scenario a few days. I've posted twice on here and feel like I'm talking to myself. I know this site gets a ton of traffic, so that leads me to three possible answers to my question.<BR><BR>1. People are too lazy to register for login credentials<BR><BR>2. Not many people are experimenting and/or working with ASP.NET<BR><BR>3. Few people understand ASP.NET enough to confidently answer the questions posted on this boardi can only speak for myself, but here are my answers to your three hypotheses:<BR><BR>1) i've got my account (doesn't mean i'm not lazy though)<BR><BR>2) i WAS delving pretty deep into .net (asp.net AND vb.net) until just recently when i got inundated with work on a totally unrelated project<BR><BR>3) i think your thrid suggestion may be accurate - the real heavy questions i've had so far weren't answered here or anywhere else - i've had to simply experiment and dig until i've come up with some sort of answer<BR><BR>in other words, i know what mean about not getting much of a response - a lot of the questions i've seen here, i haven't been able to answer (i've tried to answer all that i could)<BR><BR>to summarize, i think your third suggestion is right on.Unless you click each node, you have no idea of what it contains.<BR>Even the title is sometimes truncated with ...'s.<BR>What's needed is more information, in your face.<BR><BR>Another thing, this site is a tiring newbie site. We're all .NET newbies because Beta 2 (radically diferente from beta 1) was released only a few months back.<BR><BR>I'd like to suggest that this site be separated into:<BR><BR>How-Tos<BR>and<BR>Bug-Feedback discussions<BR><BR>I have two issues up here waiting for an answer, maybe you can help.<BR><BR>What were your issues? If they're something I've done (and not tiringly trivial ;)) I'll help you out.<BR><BR>One other thing, I tried to post feedback on the official beta site and it wouldn't let me because two of it's dropdown boxes, which were empty, were obrigatory fields!!! lolI say the problem is that there are not enough people who know .net actually replying to posts for help.<BR><BR>OR....when they do reply it takes a long time so the people asking the questions figure it isn't worth the wait.<BR><BR>I have had these same issues....the up side is that if you do get a reply it will probably be exactly what you want. Many smart people on here, just wish there were more posts.<BR><BR>Oh, and I would also suggest snitz.com forums instead....these forums are a bit crude in today's world of free forum code.