What's the correct way to fill a DropDownList using LINQ?


New Member
I know this question might be duplicate but I have a look at tons of examples but none of them suit my situation. I have a DropDownList inside a DataList, I need to populate DropDownList with data from the DB. I know how to find the the dropdown control in the DataList and I know how to populate the dropdown using SqlCommand. Now I'm trying to learn LINQ but I'm unable to fill the dropdown. Please see my scenarios below:\[code\] //Scenario 1 var ddquery = from dd in db.PRODUCTs select dd.pr_product.Distinct(); product.DataSource = ddquery; product.DataTextField = "pr_product"; product.DataValueField = "pr_product"; product.DataBind();\[/code\]In Scenario 1 I get error: "Sequence operators not supported for type 'System.String'."\[code\] //Scenario 2 var ddproc = from dd in db.isp_GETDDL("PRODUCTS", "", "") select dd; product.DataSource = ddproc; product.DataTextField = "pr_product"; product.DataValueField = "pr_product"; product.DataBind();\[/code\]In Scenario 2 the I get error: "DataBinding: 'isp_GETDDLResult' does not contain a property with the name 'pr_product'." In this scenario I'm not really if I'm doing it right since the PROC returns a set of data but I'm not sure if I'm handling correctly.\[code\] //Scenario 3 var ddq = from dd in db.PRODUCTs select dd; product.DataSource = ddq; product.DataTextField = "pr_product"; product.DataValueField = "pr_product"; product.DataBind();\[/code\]In Scenario 3, I get the same error as in 2 but on this one I'm not using a PROC to get the data.Any help will be appreciated.