What's the best way to sell my Domain name? - Madbulldesign.com?


New Member
I have a domain name for sale on tdnam.com and I was wondering If that is the best place to sell it? The domain name is Madbulldesign.com It would make a great logo, graphic, or web design company.<br />
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Thank You,<br />
That place will work, but I doubt you will be able to sell it for $25,000. If you can, more power to you. There are so many english words that would sound just find in front of design and could make good logos, why would someone be so compelled to buy Madbulldesign.com for 25,000? Also, it does not look like you have registered .net ... I doubt anyone will buy .com for 25,000 without .net and possibly .org.
Selling your domain depends on web traffic basically. I don't see the domain selling (just an opinion) because usually companies and personal websites want a name they come up with. Of course their are people who want the idea of having extra web traffic which is what makes it worth more. You are basically selling a piece of your business.

I will give you and example. There was a company called utube they sell piping and youtube the video site two different sites. He had a flood of people go to his site and shut it down I think he pays $1,300 to keep it running now and puts ads on there to make money difference. The utube domain is worth a million dollars. This was in a magazine. They just changed their site as well and made it all ads and redirect to utubeonline.com