What's the best and easiest way to Populate a dropdown based on another dropdown

Very simply, I have one dropdown menu dynamically populated with data:SQL Code\[code\]$querycourse = "SELECT course, COUNT(course) AS count FROM acme WHERE course IS NOT NULL GROUP BY course ";$procc = mysqli_prepare($link, $querycourse);$queryc = mysqli_query($link, $querycourse) or die(mysqli_error($link));\[/code\]PHP Code\[code\]echo "<select name='course[]' value='' multiple='multiple' size=10>"; // printing the list box select command echo "<option value=''>All</option>"; while($ntc=mysqli_fetch_array($queryc)){//Array or records stored in $nt echo "<option value=http://stackoverflow.com/"$ntc[course]\">\"$ntc[course]\"</option>"; /* Option values are added by looping through the array */ } echo "</select>";// Closing of list box \[/code\]What I need is another dropdown that is populated with data based on a selection from the first dropdown box.I am using MySQL, PHP, Javascript and can also (at a push) use jQuery. I have no experience in Ajax.Would anyone be kind enough to point me in the right direction?!Thanks in advance, as always,Homer.