What would be my next step?


I made a layout in photoshop, I then transferred it to ImageReady to slice it up and to add rollovers. And now im a bit stuck =P<br />
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My question is: How can I move a fully sliced layout from imageready to dreamweaver? <br />
When I preview my sliced layout, everything seems to be working (the rollovers etc) and i got a html source code aswell. My only problem is to get it from there (as it is now) to Dreamweaver...<!--content-->so imageready gave you an html file and a folder with the images in it, just open the html file in dreamweaver.<!--content-->Ah ofcourse, thanks! <br />
Do you perhaps also know how to center a whole layout in dreamweaver? ;)<!--content-->If you're using tables for the layout, adding align="center" to the table will center it.<br />
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You can set it in "table properties" in Dreamweaver.<!--content-->alas align is deprecated, try using css instead:<br />
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i'm asuming the whole layout is inside a table set to 100%<br />
if not, put it in one, set width and height to 100%<br />
put this in your stylesheet/css header<br />
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{width:100%;height:100%text-align:center;vertical-align:middle;}<!--content-->Thanks alot i'll try to css style thingy as i dont have it in tables. :)<!--content-->