What to do with ASCII escape characters in user-generated markup?


New Member
I'm using HTML Purifier, a PHP "filter that guards against XSS and ensures standards-compliant output," to sanitize/standardize user-inputted markup. This is an example of the user-inputted markup:\[code\]<font face="'Times New Roman', Times">TEST</font>\[/code\]which generates:\[code\]<span style="font-family:"Times New Roman", Times;">TEST</span>\[/code\]I'm a bit confused, because \[code\]&quot\[/code\] isn't even the escape char for a single quote. What's the best practice here since I'm going to be using this user generated content later?
  • Leave as is
  • Replace all \[code\]&quot\[/code\] with \[code\]\'\[/code\] after purifier executes
  • Configure HTML Purifier differently
  • Something else?