What to do next for my internet business?


New Member
I have a domain/name for my business. The domain is registered already. I have a product to sell. Business cards are printing tonight. I will be signing up for pay pal for people to pay with credit cards as soon as the site is up and running. I am going to the clerks office to register the business name.<br />
<br />
I need to know if I need a license to sell on-line and how I do sales tax. Is there anything else I'm missing?<br />
Oh and I live in Michigan<br />
yes I will be buying products in bulk from like costco or something. The product is something I put together out of other products. One of those being huggies diapers.<br />
Do I need to notify costco or the like that I'm reselling their product?<br />
If you are buying products and reselling them (even if you are modifying them into a new product) you need a resell tax certificate and you have to require residents of your state to pay sales tax. Check with your local tax comptrollers office to determine where to get one and what the rate of taxation is for local residents.
Use this basic checklist to make sure all the important steps are taken before you launch your new venture. This business checklist will make sure that you cross all your t's and dot all your i's before your business launch.

Steps to Starting a Business -

Other sites you might find helpful are
SBA - http//www.sba.gov/
SCORE - http//www.score.org
Small Business Resource - http//www.small-business-software.net
Business Link - http//www.businesslink.gov.uk/bdotg/action/home
