What to consider with CSS and Opera Browser


Hi, <br />
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What do I have to take into account or change in my code to get CSS working in Opera. The CSS does not work with Opera?!?! The Opera is a new version and all.<br />
Also does the Opera have some problems with a table that is defined as height 100% but width in pixels. <br />
Thanks<br />
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Nina<!--content-->nothing special as it should just work. maybe your code is wrong.<!--content-->CSS that works on IE and Mozilla should work on Opera, Nina. Don't quote me on it, but there might be a minor hitch in some things depending on how Opera is configured. I *think* I remember seeing something about configuring Opera to mimic IE or a couple of other choices, but I'm not sure what that does, exactly. It may be just for the bookmarks.<br />
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However, having said that, there are times when mixing pixels and percentages doesn't quite work the way it should. I know some browsers, too, that don't like height restrictions. Some pages will appear to double in height when a height attribute is included in the table. Removing the attribute ends the table properly. <br />
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As Scoutt says, the problem could be with your code. Can you show us the page and code so we can maybe figure out where you might be slipping?<br />
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Peg<!--content-->thank you so much for taken an interest in my problem!<br />
here is one sample page of the previously explained problem!<!--content-->I see a lot of problems in your code.<br />
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to start you don't have a doctype, always have to have one of these or the browser will run in bug mode.<br />
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second you didn't quote any of your attributes or parameters in your html. always have to quote those.<br />
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also your comment tags are only have done. they have to have a two -- at the end<br />
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<!-- comment here --><br />
<br />
see the two at the end, you only have one.<br />
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but all in all the page looks the exact same in Opera as it does in mozilla.<br />
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I don't see any problem. but you say it has a problem in css yet you ask about a table height.<br />
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oh and you are missing tags<br />
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</table><br />
</table><br />
<br />
tha tis not right as you for 2 table tags the should be between those ending table tags.<!--content-->Hi, which doctype is most commonly used when css is also involved? what do you mean by quoting paramters in html?<br />
does that page look alright in your opera browser , also the css, for me it looks the way i want it only in IE :(<!--content-->doctype does go hand and hand with css. it i all the html part of it. the doctype you want is<br />
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<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN"><br />
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and add this between your head tags.<br />
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<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1"><br />
<br />
and quote all attributes.<br />
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<body topmargin="0" bottommargin="0" bgcolor="#b1b1b1"><br />
<br />
that goes for all tags that have them.<br />
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I tried it in all my browsers and it looked the same. show us what you expect it to look like and we can compare and see where you went wrong.<!--content-->