What should new website be about?


what should i make a new website about? What do people like? And what do people havn't gotten on other sites?<!--content-->Make something that YOU like too, so you will have a fun time making it! ;)<!--content-->All the websites I have made got low hit rates. <br />
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My old site was about Qbasic, anime, video games, kung-fu, movies, and the TI-83. My current site is about Classic Games. Both are getting a small amount of hits. <br />
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So I am asking what other people want. And I will choose suggestions that are also remotly of my interest. Please post what people want here:<!--content-->You can get traffic to almost any type of site. The problem with you not getting traffic is not the content of the site but how you promoted it and how you designed it.<br />
Good Luck,<br />
Paul<!--content-->If I had a great idea, I would keep it for myself ;)<!--content-->Try making your sits with 1 topic, Qbasic and anime on the same site??<!--content-->Yeah, I was trying to make it span over the biggest audience as possible. The URL is: <!-- w --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.geocities.com/mister_jack_dawson">www.geocities.com/mister_jack_dawson</a><!-- w --><!--content-->I would suggest designing a better menu, sideways writing is hard to read, and lazy users (99% of the population of the internet) will just go find a site which is easier to use. A better menu will encourage people to return.<!--content-->The menu of a site has to be one of the most important elements of a site. I'm sure there are other people out there just like me that pre-judge a site by it's menu. If the menu is cheesy the rest of the site is probably going to be cheesy too.<!--content-->