what should i use


hello i have never learned how to use html and i dont really want to. i am just making a small site and dont really need to learn. i was just wondering if there is something i can Download <!--more--> that makes it so you dont have to use html. for example angelfire uses a program that asks you questions like backround color .......and it give you places to put links and stuff..........if anyone knows of something i could use then please tell me where i can get it thank you.<!--content-->You only need to know how about 20, or so, HTML tags work, in order to start doing useful work. If you completely rely on automated tools, and no html knowledge, you will often end up with a poor quality end result.<br />
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I code by hand in Wordpad, using a library of templates and code snippets collected and refined over the years.<br />
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What does everyone else here use? Frontpage, Dreamweaver...<!--content-->Yeah, I use Notepad and write the code myself. There are WYSIWYG editors like Dreamweaver, Frontpage, Go Live, etc., but I find those are very limited in design and produce poor quality websites when people just use the visual part of it. But it sounds like that is what you are looking for.<!--content-->Yes you can use dreamweaver, I've seen how most people whitout any knowledge of HTML get a HTML page working, of course the code is awful, and use some deprecated tags, but it seems that's what you're looking for. Some people just ask me why an enter put a lot of space between the lines, well if they know a little HTML they would know the difference between a p and a br. I use vim to create my HTML, PHP and whatever language I'm using.<br />
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Hector.<!--content-->-Sigh. Use notepad! Learn from HTML Goodies (<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.htmlgoodies.com">http://www.htmlgoodies.com</a><!-- m -->), and Webmonkey (<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.webmonkey.com">http://www.webmonkey.com</a><!-- m -->). Case closed :)<!--content-->Originally posted by link15 <br />
hello i have never learned how to use html and i dont really want to. i am just making a small site and dont really need to learn. <br />
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CASH----MONEY will hire someone to do it for you. <br />
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That is the only answer I can recommend if you are not willing to do it yourself.<!--content-->i have been using dreamweaver and now my problem is how do i get it from my comp to my site setup page? for some reason it saved in pieces and when i upload them each one only shows certain parts of the site i made.<!--content-->You can use dreamwaver, Mircosoft front page, etc. There is also a program called coffee cup, I believe which is pretty good considering it is free.<br />
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Several of these programs let upload directly to the web so you don't have to do that manually.<br />
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You need NO experience, but if you later want to learn then all these programs allow you to input your own code and scripts.<br />
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Many entry level web hosts will have 'site builders' installed where you simply write the text/pictures you want and then choose your layout. very easy.<br />
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You can learn if you want, but it is by no means required to do web publishing. I would love if people would concentrate more on the contents instead of web development in many cases.<!--content-->Your site, is it hosted with a free service like geocities or something like that?<br />
Or do you have it hosted with a regular web hosting service?<br />
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The free ones have FTP (file transfer protocol) as part of the free service.<br />
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Do get from your computer to the host you need the mapping done before any files can be transfered.<br />
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<<--Here-->> (<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.ftpplanet.com/Download">http://www.ftpplanet.com/Download</a><!-- m --> <!--more-->.htm) is a free FTP program that works real well.<!--content-->thank you all very much. i have decided to use gtmitch2's advice because the dreamweaver thing wasnt working out for me, and html goodies made it very easy to learn. thank you again.<!--content-->I must mention a great book here. I got it on load from the library and it taught me everything I needed to know baout HMTL. I then went onto more advanced stuff. HTML is a lot of trail & error, seeing wht works, and what does not.<br />
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Anyway, the book is called Creating Cool HTML 4 Pages by Dave Taylor and its pretty thick, but it reallt is great.<br />
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You should get to know HTML, all these extra programs like Dreamweaver, are good to a point, but you can't beat good old notepad, useful as a system text editor and a HTML editor!;)<!--content-->For FTP I prefer FTP Explorer (<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.ftpx.com/">http://www.ftpx.com/</a><!-- m -->).<!--content-->