What program


what program do you use for building wepages<!--content-->I use wordpad (windows program). It means typing everything from scratch but that is also the best way to learn.<br />
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I can give you a tip:<br />
I sometimes sign up for free websites which has 'builders' included (e.g. two clicks and you have a template,e.g. a standard webpage). Then I 'view source' and use the template structure to create my own webpage from there...<!--content-->i like dreamweaver...easy to learn and makes clean code unlike front page<!--content-->Frontpage and GoLive combined! You can create really cool effects with GoLive, such as dropdown menus, hide/show effects,etc, and then touch it up in frontpage. <br />
:rocker:<!--content-->im with kdjoergensen<br />
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notepad/wordpad are all you need<br />
textpad is good however for replacing text:P<!--content-->Originally posted by acrobatNerd <br />
Frontpage and GoLive combined! You can create really cool effects with GoLive, such as dropdown menus, hide/show effects,etc, and then touch it up in frontpage. <br />
:rocker: Dreamweaver does that, especially if you combine it with Fireworks. <br />
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I use BBEdit for the hand-coded stuff like special javascript, PageMaker if I need a special layout that is awkward to set up either by hand or with Dreamweaver, and Fireworks if I'm really getting fancy. <br />
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But usually, everything is done with Dreamweaver. I've tried FrontPage, but I found it rather clunky and hard to navigate. <br />
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<shrug> We all have our favourites. Just remember that a programme for creating web pages is only as good as the designer using it.<br />
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Peg<!--content-->Well said, Peg! :) <br />
When I first got into webdesign, I also used DreamWeaver, and I still think it纾