New Member
I'm not completely sure whether this question is considered off topic, so please do forgive me if it is.I want to develop a website that is a bit like a flowchart --> graphics website. That is, the user is presented with a question nr. 1, then he/she can either choose Answer 1A or 1B. Based on whether 1A or 1B was choosen, a new question nr. 2 appears until there's a final statement, that the user gets in the end.Example:\[quote\] Q1: Do you have hypertension? \[quote\] A: Yes or No \[/quote\] Q2 (the user chose yes in Q1): What's your blood pressure? \[quote\] A: some number \[/quote\] Q2B: (The user chose no in Q1): Do you have high blood suger levels? \[quote\] A: Yes or no \[/quote\]\[/quote\]And so on.. When the user then answers all question in the "path" of the flowchart, he reaches to some statement like "You're in high risk of this and that" or "You should consider excersing more".In the future -if this turns out to be successfull- I'm planning to make the end-statement be some sort of a report sent to the user's e-mail adress, downloaded as a pdf-file or sent to the user. So - adding features in future is an essential thing when choosing the language (though I'm sure all languages support editing in future
)But for now, I just need a simple website, that is capable of expansion in the future.And for that, I have to ask - what language to choose?I can't say, that I'm a programmer, so please don't tell me to choose the one I like as I probably will outsource the project.