What is your best Adsense tip?


New Member
I am always asked "what is your best Adsense tip?". Here is my five best and most important Adsense tips:- Less internal and external links on the page- Having the ads with the same background color as the page background- Having one leaderboard 728 x 90 text ad at the top and one at the bottom of the page- Having one 300x250 text ad at the middle of the page somewhere among texts- Well optimized pages with a good title, description, <h1> headline and ... .Can you add more tips?check the site out:http://deadline.3x.ro/adsense/adsensetips.htmlhttp://www.ericgiguere.com/about/google ... -tips.htmlhttp://www.wolf-howl.com/22/google-adse ... d-secrets/overallhttp://www.google.com/search?hl=en&clie ... tnG=Searchjust get loads of traffic to your site then youll make cash from adsence Easy!Alot of people = More clicks = More MoneyBetter layout of your ads = more clicks = more money.