What is wrong with this script? (ODBC)


New Member
When trying to load this php page running with Apache, my browser just keeps loading and loading, nothing happens. ODBC DSNs should be set up right. Running on Win98 (MySQL works by the way, no problems there).
$usr = "0";
$pwd = "";
$dsn = "Concorde";

$time_start = microtime();

$connect_id = odbc_connect("$dsn", "$usr", "$pwd")
or die("<font face=verdana size=2>ODBC connection was unsuccessful.");

if ($connect_id)
$msg = "ODBC connection was successful!!";

$time_end = microtime();
$time = $time_end - $time_start;


<BODY><font face=verdana size=2>

<? echo "$msg"; ?><br><br>
Connection time <? echo "$time"; ?> micro secunds.
