I've recently signed up with brinksters free .net hosting and their startup guidelines state a few must haves for your web.config file.<BR><BR>What is this file & is there any documentation anywhere?<BR><BR>http://www.brinkster.com/PremiumdotNETFAQs.asp<BR><BR>ThanksThe web.config file is an XML file that stores application level settings. Within this file you can manage custom errors, page validation, database connection strings and a whole slew of other things. <BR><BR>Here are some "best practices" for the web.config as well as several other .net syntax things:<BR><BR>http://www.aspalliance.com/aldotnet/examples/goodcode.aspx<BR><BR>Here is some info on how to set it up:<BR><BR>ms-help://MS.NETFrameworkSDK/cpguidenf/html/cpconapplicationrootdirectoryconfigurationfilewebc onfig.htm<BR><BR>Hth,<BR><BR>])ry<BR>.