What is the Title Tag and Meta Description Length for Google Search Engine??


New Member
Hi hello to all members of dis forum m new in dis forum can anyone plz tell me the Title Tag and Meta Description Length for Google Search Engine...


RE: "Hi hello to all members of dis forum m new in dis forum"
Pssst... not really As i heard its better to keep title shorter than 70 characters and for meta description its better to keep it shorter 2 lines. But there is not any must about the length of title or meta description. I'd go with about 67 for title and 155 for description. It varies. Don't panic if your a bit long or a bit short, in fact a longer description adds "..." which can encourage more reading.

See my signature for a way to test what your title and description may look like in Google. (unless I've changed it!) "about 67 for title and 155 for description" ;-)

Keep your titles within 60 chars. The length of description is not really limited and important. Is it true that the current google algorithm already do not consider the meta description in google ranking? How true is this? Google does not consider "Keyword" meta-tag, but still does consider the description meta-tag.

Simple proof: look at your GWT account, where Google warns you about duplicate content in your description meta-tag. Moreover, he shows your snippet in SERP forming it from your description. 125 for title and
255 for description

just an opinion ! I always try to keep titles to less than 90 and descriptions to less than 200 characters. for everybody shouting random numbers, can you please explain where your numbers come from?

There is a limited number of characters because of the way Google display results on the SERPs. It always look better to show a full title and description instead of having it cut in the middle and end up with: ...

Moreover, you should write title and description for the users but with the search engines in mind. They should be appealing and make people want to click on your listings.
Another reason why you want to have keywords in title attribute and description tag is that they will be bolded in the search and make your listing look more relevant.

Read here more details about how to write good title and descriprion: http://www.google.com/support/webmas...n&answer=35264

The best way to determine length is to write it and see if it gets cut off in the SERPs. As a rule of thumb, between 60 to 70 characters for the title (