What is the best way..?


Staff member
What is the best way of embedding this XML into an HTML template? The numberof <li> and <ul> is not known in advance and may vary from document to document.Is there any way if formatting the HTML page for the <li> and <ul> presentedas they are presented in XML?I'd appreciate your help very much, since I m very new to XML stuff..this is the XML document;<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>- <!-- Abdominal Applications-->- <course><maintitle>Liver and Billiary System</maintitle><subtitle>Anatomy</subtitle>- <intro>The liver is the largest organ in the adbdomen, measuring approximately15-17 cm. in length. It is located in the upper right quadrant of the abdomen,with the upper border at the level of the nipples and the lower border atthe eighth or ninth rib. The liver is divided into three lobes:- <ul><li>the right lobe</li><li>the left lobe</li><li>and the caudate lobe</li></ul>The right lobe is the largest lobe - it is approximately six times largerthan the left lobe. Additional landmarks include:- <ul><li>the main lobar fissure, which extends from the gall bladder to theright portal vein;</li><li>the ligamentum venosum, which separates the caudate and left lobes;</li><li>and the falciform ligament and ligamentum teres, which separate theleft lobe into medial and lateral portions.</li></ul></intro></course