I want to parse xml files,The best way I found is to use DOMDocument() class so far.sample xml string:\[code\]<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?><response><resData><contact:infData xmlns:contact="http://example.com/contact-1.0"><contact:status s="value1"/><contact:status s="value2"/><contact:status s="value3"/><contact:status s="value4"/></contact:infData></resData></response>\[/code\]I use function dom2array (bellow) to parse dom, but it only return 1 element (value4 only)\[code\]<?php function dom2array($node) { $res = array(); if($node->nodeType == XML_TEXT_NODE){ $res = $node->nodeValue; }else{ if($node->hasAttributes()){ $attributes = $node->attributes; if(!is_null($attributes)){ $res['@attributes'] = array(); foreach ($attributes as $index=>$attr) { $res['@attributes'][$attr->name] = $attr->value; } } } if($node->hasChildNodes()){ $children = $node->childNodes; for($i=0;$i<$children->length;$i++){ $child = $children->item($i); $res[$child->nodeName] = dom2array($child); } } } return $res; }?>\[/code\]Is there any way to parse all xml elements and sent them to an array?output array:\[code\]Array([response] => Array ( [#text] => [resData] => Array ( [#text] => [contact:infData] => Array ( [#text] => [contact:status] => Array ( [@attributes] => Array ( => value4 ) ) ) ) ))\[/code\]Where is value1, value2, value3 ? Thank you