What is Page Rank??


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What is Page Rank?? Page rank is a numeric value given by google. It shows how important is a web page in google view. Google count all the inbound link, outbound link and on page factor to give a page rank of a website. Google give to every page from 0 to 10. Page rank is a importance of page which is set by google that is 0 to 10 google gives page rank to website whaich is depend on back links. You should read some posts in here and youll get the answer. Its a rate of how important is your site and I suppose it is higher when your site is linked in other sites with high pr Page Rank is a numeric value that represents how important a page is on the web. Google figures that when one page links to another page, it is effectively casting a vote for the other page.

The Page Rank of a web page is therefore calculated as a sum of the Page Ranks of all pages linking to it (its incoming links), divided by the number of links on each of those pages (its outgoing links). Page Rank: What It Is, What It Isn’t and How To Get Some