What is mean by Authority site ?


New Member
What is mean by " Authority " site ? How to go for it ? Google decides it. An Authority site is (usually) listed first with a whole bunch of links under it to sections within the site. EG if you type in 'CNN' to Google search, CNN comes up first as an 'authority' site.

You can't really 'apply' for it. Google decides it based on your sites historys, links, pr, reputation etc. You may find your answer on this link:
http://www.seochat.com/c/a/Google-Optimization-Help/Authority-Sites-Getting-the-Necessary-PageRank/ The importance of a Web site or page, expressed as Google Pagerank (or other variables not published by other engines) depends on:

1) The largness of site(The Number of Pages)
2) How many pages link to that page within the site.
3) The Age of site. The total duration.
4) The number and importance of the pages/sites linking to that page.

Authority Site great question. Google generally decides site authority. And they are lots and lots of factors. Links make a big difference since if you are a nike of coke, lots of people will link to you. Also domain age does count.Good content would also help. Thats all that i can think up of Authority websites - it is websites which are always high ranked, appear first in SE, have a lot of permanent traffic and high PR. In other words "Leader" websites. The best one. Authority sites are considered trusted by Google. Google puts more weight on links from authority sites.