What is it with small text and Netscape on a Mac?


I was at school today and was using a Mac, so I decided to try out my site on it. It looks pretty good in IE, but when I bring up Netscape, a lot of the text looks choppy and crammed together. It's mainly the small text in my submenus. Here's my site: <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.midwestmarket.net">http://www.midwestmarket.net</a><!-- m -->. I'm using styles for some stuff. My site has no flaws at all in Netscape on Windows. Can anybody figure this one out?<!--content-->I might suggest that one computer had the font set small; did you try it at several computers, or go to another site on that computer?<br />
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In Netscape you can adjust the font practically infinitely, well beyond reasonable use. Windows CTRL and [ or ]. Macintosh it's APPLE and [ or ]. <br />
In NS 4.73 at home I can keep pressing that until a single character fills up the screen, or so small No One can read any of the words.<br />
IE (5.5) has semi-sensible limits, Lrg Med Sml...<!--content-->