I've done some minor SEO in the past on a very niche site and it has served me well (for a couple of years).I decided to go bigtime so I started some sites that are strictly for SEO stuff. I generated about 2800 pages on one site and google was happy to eat the pages up. I started getting traffic, and then bang - almost nothing.It has been about 1 month now, and the pages in the index have dropped to 1700 - 1800 range (depends on the day). The majority of the pages that are still in the index show the URL, but no title or snip.I thought perhaps I got busted, and was filtered / blocked or whatever. But I somehow do not think so. The pagerank is still there, and there are some newer pages that have been added to the site that are showing with title and snippet.I decided to check if the missing title & snippet were occuring on any of my other sites that are not using heavy SEO tricks. Turns out pages that were added within the last month or so are also showing the URL and no title or snippet. Just wondering what may cause this, as it does not seem to be punishment or banning...If the listing is coming up with only the url, you are not alone. I have one client doing the same thing. I found out the reason for this client, anyway. Some how our server's firewall was blocking the spider from reading the site. We lost alot of positioning and titles, descriptions for most of the pages.Example - http://www.google.com/search?q=personal ... rt=10&sa=NWe use to be #1 and and now we are #12. We fixed the problem so we are just waiting for Google to reindex us.I am not sure if you have the same problem, but I found it by using the search engine spider simulator.http://www.webconfs.com/search-engine-s ... ulator.phpGood luck!Dont worry vision also this was discussed at the last month , take a search at the google forum of the ozzu for the last month.I have had the same problem , this is what google news for the April Beginning,.When i see some of my pages as this, my rankings lowered too and i have deleted all those pages and my ranking get better than usual.Google bann those pages which are nearly the same content within the same url.Just remove them and do not worry.I would def not delete them. So if this happens to your homepage, delete it?...no thanks.So Veto it means that you have many multiple pages with same content of your index.html Why cant you think to delete the pages which have the same content with your index.html SO? I must have misunderstood you. I thought you were saying that any page that does not show a title/description...delete it. I apologize. You shouldn't have any pages that are the exact same as your index page. But usually if you have a page that is almost identical to another page, it comes up as a "Supplemental Result ".I will get results with just links sometimes when I do a site:www.mydomain.com. When I add a keyword to the search (site:www.mysomian.com +keyword) it then returns descriptions and they usually contain the keyword that I search for. The part of a page that google chooses to show below the results on results page is usually based on the search term used.It takes some time, probably about 4 or 5 months before the pages are settled... especially for a site with a lot of pages.This loss of title/description we are talking about doesn't just effect new sites. Our site has been up for about a year and then it happened. I am confident it will be back to normal in the next indexing of our site.vetofunk wrote:The reason for this is because somehow the firewall on our server blocked the spider from entering our site. It has recently been fixed, so all I have to do now is wait.vetofunk wrote:I am not sure quite how long in Google, but I noticed it right away in MSN, because they refresh about every 3 days.