What is Google BL Similar Pages mean?


New Member
Hi, I know that google has been making a lot of updates in the past few days and people are reporting that they are seeing their back links increase. I typed this into google: "link:http://www.fourthring.com/personals.php"And I got back a results page that had only 5 back links but under the 2nd entry, I see a link that says similar pages. When I click on the similar links page it pulls up 31 more additional backlinks but they are all from different domain names. I did a ping and I am getting different IP Address blocks. Is this a preview of links that I will be getting in the near future? Or is this something that google is only counting as one back link? That would suck cause some of them actually have good page rank.Has anyone else seen this?thanks for any comments,The similar pages link really has nothing to do with backlinks. Google doesnt really give a true reflection of a sites backlinks -Try yahoo - linkdomain:www.fourthring.com/personals.phpit really doesnt give a true reflection of BL for some reasons. try prsearch.net if you want to view their backlinks and stuffs.- Its easier tho it takes a while to load up the results.. I am not clear about prsearch.net it showing about inbound link with few sites, the number of result coming in prsearch.net is equal to BL?Is it so? Or any other algorithm is followed?