What is encryption?


I decided I don't want people who log into my blog to have passwords sent online via a http header. So I made a crude type of encryption. I want to know what real encryption does and how far mine is from the real thing.<br /><br />Mine...<br />Takes the string (password). Converts it to its ASCII char code (ie. 117 = u). Then takes the char code and adds it to a array of 8 random numbers 0 to 9. It takes the result of the char code plus random then multilpys it by a nother random number (0 to 9). Then it takes all the numbers and adds them togeather.<br /><br />Server-side...<br />Being how its not possable... I do not try to "decrypt" the number vaule. The server "encrypts" the string in the database and checks to see if they match up.