What is being encrypted when I use a salted CRYPT_MD5 to encrypt my password?


New Member
Using md5 on a string always produces an alpha-numeric encrypted result, ie: no symbols.However, when I using the php crypt() function, specifically the CRYPT_MD5 (and it is on, I've checked) with a salt, the supposed md5 hash it returns does not look like an md5 hash.For example:if I md5 the string 'password', I get:\[code\]$pass = md5('password');echo $pass;//5f4dcc3b5aa765d61d8327deb882cf99\[/code\]if I use CRYPT_MD5, which is denoted by the '$1$' prefix and the '$' suffix with the salt being 'salt':\[code\]$pass = crypt('password', '$1$salt$');echo $pass;//$1$salt$qJH7.N4xYta3aEG/dfqo/0\[/code\]Now, the algorithm and salt used are shown as expected, '$1$' shows that the CRYPT_MD5 was used and the salt is shown to be 'salt' as between the $ signs.However.. the hashed password after that last $ sign does not look like an md5... it has slashes and full-stops in it.Why does it hash it this way? Is this not a real md5?Please ask if you need me to clarify any of this. Ugh.