What is a clocking and doorway page?


New Member
I heard somewhere that clocking and doorway pages are blackhat seo technique and i had read more about it but i did get it so please tell me about those.

MOD NOTE: OP has at least 6 IDs that I can verify, all being used to ask setup questions. Doing some cleanup. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Doorway_pages CLOAKING
It is used to mislead spiders about the actual content of a site.

It uses a single page, stuffed with keywords, to get higher rankings with the search engines. Also known as "gateway page" or "bridge page". CLOAKING and Dorway both are black hat seo techniques.. Now a days mostly peoples use for early search engine ranking.. cloaking:
writing your content with font color same as that of background color so visitors cant see it and googleBot can crawl it.
You can stuff many keywords in that parts:
very bad technique:
about doorway pages:explained to you already Cloaking is a technique through visitor receive different look or content of pages but search engine look different that is black hat technique
Doorway pages that redirect visitors without their knowledge to other page Both techniques risk your site getting sandboxed. Clocking and doorway page is a black hat seo technique. In clocking two pages created one is for visitor and one for search engine, with same url.

Doorway page is created for visitors to visit our site. This page is not linked with internal site links. In doorway technic a web page designed to draw in Internet traffic from search engines, and then direct this traffic to another website.
Whereas Clocking involves serving a specific page to each search engine spider and a different one to human visitors. In most cases, it is frowned upon by search engines. It is also called 'stealth'. Both are black hat technics.. Well cloaking and Doorway pages are indeed black hat seo methods. They are used to hide the real content of your web page from search engine cralwers. so that the page will be indexed for a wrong keyword This is probably a pretty bad thing to do. Google don't always have spiders searching round the web, they also have humans doing some spy work as well. If you set off the alarm to one of these employees, your down the dumps. Doorway pages are purposely used to increase website traffic and improve the keyword ranking.