What is a best practice method to log visits per page / object


New Member
Take my profile for example, or any question number of views on this site, what is the process of logging the number of visits per page or object on a website, which I presumably think includes:
  • Counting registered users once (this must be reflected in the db, which pages / objects the user has visited). this will also not include unregistered users
  • IP: log the visit of each IP per page / object; this could be troublesome as you might have 2 different people checking the same website; or you really do want to track repeat visitors.
  • Cookie: this will probably result in that people with multiple computers would be counted twice
  • other method goes here ....
The question is, what is the process and best practice to count user requests?EDITI've added the computer languages to the list of tags as they are of interest to me. Feel free to include any libraries, modules, and/or extensions that achieve the task.The question could be rephrased into:
  • How does someone go about measuring the number of imprints when a user goes on a page? The question is not intended to be similar to what Google analytics does, rather it should be something similar to when you click on a stackoverflow question or profile and see the number of views.