what html authoring software do you use?

I would like to know what yall tihnk the best html authoring tool is?<br />
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I love Frontpage cause it can get a site up extremly fast. the coding kinda sux but im in favor of this easy to use program.<br />
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Brad Nelson<!--content-->This topic has been covered in some depth in another forum if you're interested to read the thread here it is:<br />
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<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.htmlforums.com/showthread.php?s=&threadid=1210">http://www.htmlforums.com/showthread.ph ... eadid=1210</a><!-- m --><br />
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nothing wrong with starting a new thread though ;)<br />
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Regards,<br />
Kevin<!--content-->Frontpage XP!!!!<br />
Yea, frontpage2002 rocks!<!--content-->Does this belong to Page Layout? Anyway, I don't really use FP because it does work better with IE than with NS. As you pointed out the code it produces is rather messy. It could cause a delay in debugging should the situation arise. It is, however, easy to use.<!--content-->Hi Brad Nelson,<br />
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See though the frontpage is easy to operate but it created all unnecessary tags in html page. and sometime the html page is not looks in netscape as is in IE. <br />
I am using notepad to write the html codes.<br />
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But I think Dreamweaver is better that Frontpage.<br />
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Thanks.<br />
Amruta..<!--content-->I don't use any GUI programs to write sites. I always hand write them using a text editor such as Arachnophilia or even Notepad.<!--content-->Brad,<br />
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I do the majority of my coding by hand, but in some situations, it's just not feasable. I've tried a lot of WYSIWYG editors, and have to agree with amruta that Dreamweaver is by far the best tool available.<br />
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It writes the best HTML code and it doesn't overwrite what you do manually. It comes with a ton of time-saving features like pre-written JavaScripts (it calls them behaviors), templates that make updates a snap, and eventhough I'm a huge WS_FTP fan, Dreamweaver's site manager is great.<br />
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I'd highly recommend Download <!--more-->ing the trial off Macromedia's Web Site.<!--content-->I'll second that. Dreamweaver is by far the best authoring tool in my experience. None of them are perfect so it is always best to be able to code by hand too, but WYSIWYG editors do save a lot of time when you have large websites to maintain.<br />
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The problem with FrontPage is that it writes its own funny code, which you can edit out manually in a text editor, but the next time you open your document in FrontPage it puts it right back in there. Dreamweaver doesn't do this.<!--content-->