What Games Should I Get For My Brand New PSP?


New Member
my birthday is tommorow and im getting a psp wondering what games/accesories i should buy<br />
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im aready getting god of war, patapon, and crisis core<br />
tell me if those r good or tell me new one <br />
plz and thank you<br />
ok plz stop mentioning to get a ds thats just stupid<br />
God Of War is awesome for the psp i haven't played the others

if you want a good game you should pick up metal gear solid portable ops if you like those kinds of games
i would recomend god of war!!!

BUT ive got a problem with my psp i was downloading something and i bricked my psp and now i have to buy a new one THANKS
from what ive heard god of war is good crisis core is awsome never heard of papaton i would recommend all gta on psp and daxter